Eriol Fox
Co-Host of Sustain Open Source Design
Eriol has been working as a Designer for 10 years working in for-profits and then moving into NGO's and open source software organisations, working on complex problems like sustainable food systems, peacebuilding and crisis response technology. Eriol now works at Open Food Network and is part of the core team at Open Source Design and Human Rights Centred Design working group and is working towards a Comp Sci Phd at Newcastle university researching how designers are involved in humanitarian focussed OSS.
Eriol is a non-binary, queer person who uses they/them pronouns. Their non-work time is spent playing video games, table top rpg's, gardening and reading.
Eriol Fox has hosted 28 Episodes.
Episode 49: Penpot Fest with Jan C. Borchardt, Elizabet Oliveira & Peter Hanekamp
August 29th, 2023 | 42 mins 54 secs
Jan shares insights on open source design strategies at Nextcloud, Elizabet from Xata talks about her varied roles and experiences, and Peter of Kaleidos discusses open source strategy.
Episode 48: Penpot Fest with Dima Davidoff, Madeline Peck & Michal Malewicz
August 15th, 2023 | 39 mins 3 secs
Dima sheds light on his usage of design tools, Madeline shares her work with open source programs, and Michal on the importance of solid fundamental design skills.
Episode 46: Penpot Fest with Alonso Torres, Máirín Duffy & Martin Owens
July 18th, 2023 | 36 mins 18 secs
Alonso discusses Penpot's origin and community involvement, Máirín's insights on open source design and her project Podman Desktop, and Martin's experience as an Independent Developer in Inkscape.
Episode 45: Eriol Fox, Katie Wilson and Meag Doherty on the USER project. Usable Software Ecosystem Research for Science and Research OSS
July 4th, 2023 | 34 mins
Katie, Meag, and Eriol of Superbloom discuss ideal users of open-source software, software maintainability, complexity's impact on decision-making, and open science progress.
Episode 33: Hosts Talk: 2022 Wrap, and Looking Towards 2023
October 11th, 2022 | 39 mins 20 secs
The hosts - Richard, Eriol, Memo and Georgia - come together to talk about what they're working on for OSS Design, and what they plan on talking about next year!
Episode 30: Isabela Presedo-Floyd of Quansight Labs on building OSS for science and on improving OSS accessibility
May 31st, 2022 | 36 mins 51 secs
Isabela shares about some of the projects she's been working on and how accessibility is the guiding compass for most of her design things.
Episode 28: Jessica Müller of Grafana on Designing in an Open-Source Way, for Real
May 17th, 2022 | 43 mins 29 secs
Jessica joins us today to share how she started in Grafana and how we can make design more open to beginners.
Episode 27: Jenn Kotler on Astronomical Sonification and Designing UX for Science & Open Data
April 26th, 2022 | 42 mins 35 secs
Jenn fills us on what she does at MAST, the different types of astronomical data they look at, and how she uses this data in her job to make it accessible so everyone can do amazing science.
Episode 25: Lozana Rossenova on the intersection of design research, open source communities and GLAMs
March 29th, 2022 | 37 mins 57 secs
Lozana talks about her journey of her background in digital design, her role at the Open Science Lab and Wikibase, and details the importance of advocating for other designers.
Episode 24: Taís Lessa on Inclusion in the Workplace for Immigrants and Newcomers
March 22nd, 2022 | 39 mins 40 secs
Taís, a Product Design Lead at Mozilla, talks to us about her journey as a designer and her thoughts on fostering an environment encouraging people to be more themselves in open source.
Episode 23: Heiko Tietze of the Document Foundation on Mentoring Designers
March 15th, 2022 | 34 mins 49 secs
Today, Heiko fills us in on the Document Foundation, what his job involves as a UX Mentor, and the challenges in mentoring designers in open source.
Episode 22: Carrie Winfrey of Okthanks on Clean Insights
March 8th, 2022 | 32 mins 40 secs
Carrie talks about design activities, blind spots in open source design, Clean Insights, and what it takes to make a better designer.